分類 綠色游擊

第二屆可食綠空社團正式招生囉!五權社區大學綠色游擊(單場報名中)The 2024 Green Guerrilla project collaborates with the Wuqian Community College to establish the Edible Green Corridor Club.


2023綠空綠色游擊合法了!我們成功認養台中可食綠空小花園(第2年)Green Corridor Green Guerrilla is legal! We have successfully adopted a small edible garden in the Green Corridor of Taichung!


2023從光禿禿的城市土壤,看台中綠空廊道可食地景(綠色游擊第2年)Taichung Guerilla Gardening 2nd year

台中綠空廊道竟然有光禿禿的土地?荒廢閒置的土地如果能夠成為「可食綠空」該有多好啊!於是我們一群人,開始為城市種一片花海,希望引起更多人關注這個議題! There are barren lands in Taichung Green Corridor? How wonderful it would be if these abandoned and idle lands could transform into "edible green spaces"! So, a group of us began planting a sea of flowers for the city, hoping to draw more attention to this issue!

台中綠空廊道綠色游擊行動,共同創造都市可食地景(第一年)Taichung Guerilla Gardening for the first year

2022年,共好生活合作社與好伴設計,倚著樸門永續設計精神,試圖在台中綠空廊道進行綠色游擊行動,創造「可食地景」、消彌「都市貧窮」、拯救「荒廢土地」。透過植物佔領,串起人與人、人與環境的連結,讓荒廢、光禿、閒置的空間,成為有意義感和連結的地方場所,實踐綠色生活的可能 In 2022, Sallysgreenlife and HappenXDesign, guided by the principles of permaculture, attempted a Green Guerrilla action in Taichung's Green Corridor. Our goal was to create "edible landscapes," address "urban poverty," and "revive abandoned land." Through plant-based interventions, we aimed to build connections between people and the environment, transforming barren, idle spaces into meaningful and connected places, demonstrating the possibilities of green living.